- Home :: Office Supplies :: Labels & Labeling Systems :: Labels :: Filing Labels & Systems :: Avery® Filing Labels with TrueBlock™ Technology for Laser and Inkjet Printers, 3-7/16" x ?" , White - 2/3" (16.92 mm) Height x 3 7/16" (87.30 mm) Width - Permanent Adhesive - Rectangle - Laser, Inkjet - White - Paper - 30 / Sheet - 600 Total Lab

Avery® Filing Labels with TrueBlock™ Technology for Laser and Inkjet Printers, 3-7/16" x ?" , White - 2/3" (16.92 mm) Height x 3 7/16" (87.30 mm) Width - Permanent Adhesive - Rectangle - Laser, Inkjet - White - Paper - 30 / Sheet - 600 Total Lab

Avery® Filing Labels with TrueBlock™ Technology for Laser and Inkjet Printers, 3-7/16" x ?" , White - 2/3" (16.92 mm) Height x 3 7/16" (87.30 mm) Width - Permanent Adhesive - Rectangle - Laser, Inkjet - White - Paper - 30 / Sheet - 600 Total Lab
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  • Only Avery Labels feature proprietary Sure Feed technology to deliver a more reliable feed through your printer, preventing misalignments and jams
  • TrueBlock technology blocks out markings and existing labels underneath so you can reuse folders-and save money
  • Ideal for identifying and organizing file folders, documents, binders and other objects
  • Create customized labels with free templates and designs at avery.com/templates
  • Compatible with laser and inkjet printers

2/3" (16.92 mm) Height x 3 7/16" (87.30 mm) Width - Permanent Adhesive - Rectangle - Laser, Inkjet - White - Paper - 30 / Sheet - 600 Total Lab

SKU AVE05366 (800829)
Catalogue Page: 463
Market price: $36.69
Our price: $33.02
Quantity PK(600 - 5)

Main Features

Label Height:2/3" (16.92 mm)
Label Width:3 7/16" (87.30 mm)
Number of Labels per Sheet:30
Total Number of Labels:600
Adhesive Type:Permanent
Print Technology:
  • Laser
  • Inkjet
  • Permanent Adhesive
  • Reusable
  • Curl Resistant
  • Stick & Stay
Product Color:White
Product Material:Paper
Country of Origin:Mexico

Marketing information

A colourful solution for the office to keep file folders neat and professional. Easily organize and quickly identify important file folders with Avery® Filing Labels with TrueBlock™. You'll be able to confidently reuse folders with old markings and labels. Avery's patented TrueBlock™ Technology labels guarantee to completely block everything underneath.

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