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Curby Mailer™ Curby Mailer - Mailing/Shipping - Paper

Curby Mailer™ Curby Mailer - Mailing/Shipping - Paper
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The Latest & Most Innovative Protective Mailer on the Market

Introducing IPG's Curby MailerTM! Made from recycled and recyclable paper, this mailer is lined with an innovative honeycomb paper structure - a patent-pending cushioning material that offers substantial benefits over traditional wrapping materials, including bubble, bubble-on-demand, foam, and other paper materials.

The Curby Mailer was designed to replace and offer better protection than traditional polybubble and Kraft mailers.

Mailing/Shipping - Paper

SKU SPL6 (231543)
Catalogue Page: 392
Our price: $139.80
Quantity BX(80)

Main Features

Mailer/Envelope Type:Mailing/Shipping
Product Material:Paper

Marketing information

The Latest & Most Innovative Protective Mailer on the Market

Introducing IPG's Curby MailerTM! Made from recycled and recyclable paper, this mailer is lined with an innovative honeycomb paper structure - a patent-pending cushioning material that offers substantial benefits over traditional wrapping materials, including bubble, bubble-on-demand, foam, and other paper materials.

The Curby Mailer was designed to replace and offer better protection than traditional polybubble and Kraft mailers.

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